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位置:首页 > 燃气资讯 > Iraq tender explor

Iraq tender exploration rights for oil and gas

浏览次数 476 , 日期 2017-07-19 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

      On July 12, according to the Associated Press reported that Iraq will be public bidding new border to the international energy company in oil and gas exploration area, hoping to improve energy income, funding for the "islamic state of war, and in the condition of low oil prices to support its finances.
      The Iraqi oil minister, jabar ali al-ruiby, announced on July 11 that he planned to open the nine border exploration areas to international energy companies for public bidding. There are five exploration areas on the border between Iraq and Iran, three adjacent to the Kuwaiti border, and one in the Persian gulf.
       Iraq has the world's fourth largest oil reserves, adding 10 billion barrels of oil this year, to 153.1 billion barrels. Lower oil prices have hit Iraq hard, with about 95% of the country's revenue coming from the energy sector.

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