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Iranian Event for CNG and Alt-Fuels Draws Near

浏览次数 847 , 日期 2015-11-17 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

   627-576天然气调压阀/调压器/稳压器总代理,2015 Iranian CNG Industries & Alternative Fuel Conference and Expo, 7 – 8th December 2015, Tehran, Iran
   Next month, the 2015 Iranian CNG Industries & Alternative Fuel Conference and Expo, will take place in Tehran, Iran, endorsed by both NGV Global and The Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association (ANGVA). Experienced and well-known companies, producing and building gas-driven equipment and vehicles and CNG-stations owners, which together have managed to create the world’s largest NGV population under a difficult sanctions era, will exhibit at this prestigious national event.
   For the conference, the following areas will be covered:
   Activities and shortages in Iran’s CNG industry
   Possibilities, risks, opportunities and challenges ahead in the post-sanctions era
   Methods of deploying world class high-tech system for expanding Iran’s CNG industry
   Preparing the necessary ground for foreign investment in the CNG industry by industry owners and government officials in the post-sanctions era.
   The local authorities and organizers of this event are: National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC), Pardis ANGVA Learning Center (PALC), Department of Management and Transportation Fuel -Vice President, Alternative Fuel Association, Iranian CNG Association, and Iranian CNG Manufacturers Association.
   This exhibition and conference will highlight and discuss the opportunities and challenges of infrastructure and technologies development and deployment in the push for utilization of CNG and alternative fuel for the transport sector in Iran.
   The event is a pre-cursor to the 7th ANGVA Biennial International Conference & Exhibition to be held in Tehran in 2017, referred to as ANGVA 2017.      

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