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Utrecht-Based Fleet Chooses LNG

浏览次数 1019 , 日期 2015-11-13 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

   Rolande LNG B.V. (Rolande), supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG) in the Netherlands states the country just got a little cleaner and quieter with the arrive of new Liquefied Natural gas powered trucks for conveyor C. Heezik of Utrecht. Arthur Fust, senior logistics manager at Heezik, received the first trucks: “Today we take delivery of five LNG trucks from IVECO Schouten, in the course of the week followed by another 15!”Natural gas pressure gauge(天然气压力表)
   Three years ago C. Heezik started test driving two trucks on LNG in a Truck of the Future project, a grant program from the RFO — Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) — which encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. During this project, 75 new LNG trucks were deployed at various trucking companies, from which valuable data has been collected.
   Besides the fact that the powertrain of the IVECO Stralis LNG is fully optimized for distribution operations, the LNG truck has more advantages. The outcomes from analysis convinced Heezik it was the right decision to move to LNG Fust commented: “Internally, we have calculated that driving on LNG for us is ultimately cheaper than running on diesel. In addition it is much quieter and more durable due to the reduced CO² emissions. This is beneficial for tolls and taxes. It also fits in with the policy of our organization.”
   “You can really see us as an LNG ambassador. It not only provides for our benefits, our customers also reap the benefits from us driving with LNG. An example? We drive for years for a large national supermarket chain. “Because LNG provides a quieter drive (the vehicles are Peak certified) and there are no particulate matter emissions, we can soon deliver to our customers outside window times,” Fust said.
   The trucks will initially refuel at Rolands new LNG filling station in Utrecht, inclose proximity to the Heezik depot.

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