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JERA, Japan and South Korea natural gas, cnooc LNG business hand in hand

浏览次数 254 , 日期 2017-03-29 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

Recently, the Japanese power company (JERA) gas company with South Korea (KOGAS) and CNOOC (CNOOC) signed a memorandum of understanding, on the LNG business to cooperate.

Agreement the parties will treat the joint procurement, upstream of the LNG project participation, the transportation and storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) cooperation.

JERA mentioned: "national LNG demand is influenced by economic conditions and energy policy, the larger fluctuation floating. JERA believe that by buyers accommodation plan and measures to optimize the operating environment, can effectively deal with the problem."

JERA pointed out at the same time, hope that the cooperation agreement can provide a platform, to explore the problem associated with traditional LNG business operations, such as destination restrictions. Company will be for a variety of methods to improve purchasing flexibility.

KOGAS President Lee already comment - hoon, according to South Korea in The Three Kingdoms is expected to play a more active role in LNG market.

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