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Gas production of Egypt will be surplus in 2020

浏览次数 297 , 日期 2017-05-15 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

According to Mr "daily news" reported on May 2: Egypt oil and mining minister said in an interview with the media before mladic, gas production of Egypt will be self-sufficient at the end of 2018, and will realize the surplus in 2020.

Foreign oil and gas companies will work with Mr Oil corporation five new agreement signed (EGPC), plans to 30 Wells in the western desert region of drilling for oil and gas exploration, the investment of at least $154 million, signing grant of $63.2 million.

Alexander northern Taurus and Libra issue of oil and gas production has been underway, daily output of 650 million cubic feet, in mid - 2018, the natural gas production in the region will be up to 1.4 billion cubic feet. The production capacity will grow to 2.7 billion cubic feet a day after production will reach 1 billion cubic feet by the end of 2017.

's oil and gas field are ongoing projects worth $8.2 billion, 2016/2017 fiscal year (June 2017) is expected to foreign enterprises in the investment in the field of oil and gas will be $10 billion. The government's amortization of arrears has greatly encouraged foreign oil and gas companies to invest in Egypt. By the end of 2016, the government's arrears on foreign oil companies had fallen from $6.3 billion to $3.5 billion.

Egypt currently costs about $800 million a month to import oil and gas. The company will guarantee oil and gas supplies to 59 power plants across the country, with a supply of 142m cubic feet of oil and gas in the summer of 2017. Egypt petrochemical corporation (ECHEM) plans to build a $1 billion petrochemical project.

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